Sunnyvale, California 408, 510, 650
30 hour of Online Drivers Ed Approved by the California DMV
We offer online drivers ed to the entire Silicon Valley
Welcome to our CA DMV APPROVED Online Driver Education Course!
We offer DMV sample permit tests as well as the DMV video test so you can study and look over the questions as many times as you like, Just click on the links on the top right side of the page. When you are finished with our course we will send you your completion certificate.
This course is divided into 22 chapters, Once you finish each chapter you will have a short quiz to test your knowledge. You must get a mandatory 75% to move to the next chapter. You can complete the course as per your schedule. If you leave the site, your information and test scores will be saved, so you can log back in anytime and continue with the course.
Upon Completion, You’ll Receive an Email from the Website with the marks you received in each chapter and by Mail We will send you The Certificate of Completion of Drivers Ed
Please check out our website it has resources and supplies such as videos, books for the classroom and literally everything you need to you get up and running for your driving and or traffic school as well as our lesson plans (courses) for sale.
Bring in more revenue for your school by offering more courses to your students!
A Brief History Of Sunnyvale
Sunnyvale’s history has always been based on its economy. Initially, the area’s vast open space and fertile soil were ideal for the fruit orchards that supported the settlement’s first residents. With the arrival of the railroad in 1864, the economic base of the community was able to expand, as canneries to process the fruit from the surrounding orchards were built near the rail lines. In 1906, the Hendy Iron Works relocated from San Francisco to Sunnyvale, continuing the area’s industrial development.
By 1940, the population had grown to about 4,400 and the Hendy Iron Works was taken over by Westinghouse to support the war effort. After the war, the defense-related industry arrived, capitalizing on the pleasant climate and Moffett Naval Air Station. Lockheed Missiles & Space Company moved to Sunnyvale in 1956, and soon became Sunnyvale’s largest employer. The 1950s and 1960s became the periods of largest growth for the community, resulting in a population of 96,000 in 1970.
The defense era gave way to the high-tech era when the microprocessor was introduced in 1971. During the years that followed, companies with foresight saw the potential of computers and the power of semiconductors. The City became the nexus of research, development and manufacturing that created Silicon Valley, and that legacy continues today in the era of the Internet.