30-Hour Driver’s Education Classroom Course Click Here To Purchase
Our 30-Hour driver’s education course is not only informative, but fun and interactive as well. This DMV-approved course contains the necessary information for students to meet the requirements needed to get their learner’s permit.
This course contains 23 chapters, with worksheets for every chapter, handouts for students, class discussion prompts, homework assignments, and a 50-question final exam. Supplements for this course include the California DMV Drivers’ Handbook and the Parent Teen Training Aid, which can be picked up at any DMV office and are free of charge. Videos for this course can also be purchased by clicking on the “Videos & More” link.
Online Driver’s Education Course Click Here To Purchase
The online version of our 30-hour driver’s education course is sure to appeal to your teenage customers. This course is packed with informative videos and interactive tools that engage the student and make learning fun. This course will get your students thinking and help with retention of the necessary information to pass the requirements for obtaining their learner’s permit.
This course contains 10 chapters with a short quiz after each chapter and a final test. We have included DMV videos, video interaction and clips throughout the course, with information that is relevant to everyday driving situations. We’ve gotten a great response from schools and students alike.
60-Hour Driver Instructor Course Click Here To Purchase
This course is an excellent resource for Driving Schools looking to hire driving instructors for their school. This 11-chapter course consists of 40 hours of classroom instruction and 20 hours of in-car preparation training.
Each chapter is dedicated to carefully covering the necessary information for becoming a qualified California driving instructor. A certificate of completion is included at the end of the course. The Certificate can be copied and used for any additional driving instructors completing this course.
This course is also a great option for increasing revenue for your driving school. Not only can you train your own instructors, but by purchasing this course, you can train instructors from other schools as well.
Mature Driver Classroom Course Click Here To Purchase
Our California mature driver classroom course is a DMV approved refresher course for drivers 55 years of age and older. This course is a great refresher to help mature drivers stay safe on the roadway. Our Mature Driver Improvement Course provides instruction on defensive driving and California motor vehicle laws, including the effects of medication, fatigue, alcohol, and visual or auditory limitations may have on a person’s driving ability.
Students who take this course may qualify for reduced motor vehicle insurance premiums.
Online Mature Driver Course Click Here To Purchase
We are pleased to offer our online version of our California mature driver course. This online course is DMV approved for drivers 55 years of age and older and is a great refresher to help mature drivers stay safe on the roadway. The easy-to-read format and simple design make this course a great option for all types of mature students. Our Mature Driver Improvement Course provides instruction on defensive driving and California motor vehicle laws, including the effects that medication, fatigue, alcohol, and visual or auditory limitations may have on a person’s driving ability with relevant videos throughout.
Drivers who are 55 years of age or older, who successfully complete this Driver Improvement Course may qualify for reduced motor vehicle insurance premiums. Reach more potential students by offering them the ability to complete this course online, from the comfort of their home.
8-Hour Traffic Violator School Classroom Course Click Here To Purchase
Our 8-hour traffic violator school classroom course includes 12 chapters of informative and interactive curriculum for your students. Included in this course are a lesson plan, handouts, discussion topics, video list, and a 25-question final exam.
This course meets the requirements for students to have points masked on their driving record by the DMV. Students are eligible to take this course once every 18 months.
8-Hour Online Traffic Violator School Course Click Here To Purchase
Our 8-hour online traffic violator school course is also available in an online format. Reach a broader range of potential students by offering the option of taking traffic school online, in the convenience of students’ own homes. This online course is informative and CA DMV approved. Students are eligible to take this course once every 18 months. We also have added an Audio Read-Along feature that reads the entire course to a student through their computer speakers. (optional feature)
Continuing Education Classroom Course for CA Driving School Instructors and Operators Click Here To Purchase
This course is the perfect option for instructors and operators who do not wish to take the operator or instructor renewal test again. Our three, 6-hour classes meet the requirements for license renewal.
Contained in this course is a review of defensive driving techniques, vehicle features, first aid relating to vehicle accidents, effective classroom teaching techniques, and much more. This is the most current and up-to-date curriculum in the industry.
The online course is only offered to California Driving School Instructors and Operators – Continuing Education Seminars
It is not available for purchase
Online Continuing Education Course for CA Driving School Instructors and Operators Click Here To Purchase
Make renewing your instructor or operator license a simple process by completing our Continuing Education Course. Eliminate the stress of studying for and passing an exam with our three seminars. Simply present your instructor and or operator renewal application, along with your certificate of completion for all three seminars to the DMV for an exam exemption. Additionally, as an instructor or operator, you are eligible to re-take this course each time your license is up for renewal.
The three continuing education courses are informative and interactive, and can be completed at your own pace. This course has been written by professionals in the driving and traffic school industry. We utilize our own background and experience to give you a course that is up to date and relevant. Covered in our courses are topics such as defensive driving, rules of the road, first-aid as related to vehicle collisions, teaching techniques, and much more.