Santa Clara, California 408
Drivers Education Online Approved by the California DMV
We offer online drivers ed to the entire Bay area
Welcome to our CA DMV APPROVED Online Driver Education Course!
We offer DMV sample permit tests as well as the DMV video test so you can study and look over the questions as many times as you like, Just click on the links on the top right side of the page. When you are finished with our course we will send you your completion certificate.
This course is divided into 22 chapters, Once you finish each chapter you will have a short quiz to test your knowledge. You must get a mandatory 75% to move to the next chapter. You can complete the course as per your schedule. If you leave the site, your information and test scores will be saved, so you can log back in anytime and continue with the course.
Upon Completion, You’ll Receive an Email from the Website with the marks you received in each chapter and by Mail We will send you The Certificate of Completion of Drivers Ed
Please check out our website it has resources and supplies such as videos, books for the classroom and literally everything you need to you get up and running for your driving and or traffic school as well as our lesson plans (courses) for sale.
Bring in more revenue for your school by offering more courses to your students!
Santa Clara is a family oriented and business friendly city, with an award-winning ethics program and a commitment to fostering public trust. In the heart of Silicon Valley, the City is located in Santa Clara County at the southern tip of San Francisco Bay, about 45 miles south of San Francisco, and in a strategic regional location convenient to freeways, airports, railroads, expressways, light rail and other public transportation. “The Mission City,” as Santa Clara is known, was founded in 1852. It is now a community of about 118,830 residents with employment base of about 106,750. With 19.3 square miles of tree-lined neighborhoods, thriving commercial and industrial centers, and 300 days of sunshine each year, it is an ideal location for individuals, families, and businesses.